Candidat dans le district des Maraîchers

Securities advisor and insurance broker since 2014, William Sauvé has long worked in the health care sector for seniors and people with loss of autonomy, both private and public. Father of 3 children, this resident of the Maraîchers district has lived in Saint-Hubert for 22 years. Very attached to personal services, this professional wishes to improve the quality of the services offered to citizens. Focused on results, he intends to ensure that the district of Maraîchers is a safe and pleasant living environment for all residents of the area.
“To overcome the pervasive cynicism of citizens towards politics, we need a mayor who keeps his word. Jean-Marc Léveillé says what he does and does what he says. This is what we currently need to improve the services offered to citizens and face the challenges of the coming years. "- William Sauvé